Monday, March 21, 2011

The Unknowns With Autism

My daily journey is filled with lots of unknowns with Caleb. I have no idea how he'll be in the mornings whenever I wake him up for school. Some days go well while others do not. If one thing is off so is the rest of his day, most of the time.

It's been recommended I create a schedule for him. He needs consistency which I agree with. The main issue is him cooperating and willing to work with it. Caleb is a good kid. He can be so loving, kind, and caring. But there are days he is aggressive with others and that gets him in trouble.

As I share with my family and friends the diagnosis of Autism, they are surprised. I too am surprised that most of the people I talk to assume that Autism means a child doesn't talk, rocks back and forth and plays alone. I have had to explain to people there is a spectrum and that some children show very little "obvious" symptoms while some don't talk or play with others. In fact, I have had to family members mention that Caleb looks "normal."

To me that is a good thing yet it is also a huge issue. He gets treated "normal" as if he is a typical child rebelling, being defiant. I believe some people at his school are defiant in believing he has PDD on the Autism spectrum.They still want to say he has ADHD despite the fact he has had testing and a final diagnosis. Caleb picks up on other peoples vibes so when people at his school are treating him as if he is just a typical child of course he will react in a negative way.

I just never know how his day will be because of this. Caleb could have a great day at home but a rough day at school. He can have good days with family and friends while other days are just plain rough.

It is hard enough to explain to my family he is not a typical child. He is a very special child that we all have to embrace. Caleb cannot be changed so we must work on ourselves. He is very smart just very stubborn. There are times it comes back on me.

People are rough with me because they believe that I am ignoring my sons issues. These are people, including family who have not taken the time out to get to know me and what I do on a daily basis. It is my hope that as I write this blog and focus on what I would like to do in the future to help with understanding Autism is that others will lighten up and be more kind to others who already have daily challenges.

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